Battle Creek has had a recent spate of unsolved murders, and a telethon will now be held with the goal of helping police in their investigations.

The Battle Creek Enquirer reports that the telethon is organized in the name of Joseph Bowser, the Western Michigan University Student who was shot and killed at the River Apartments in March of this year. No arrests have been made in the case, and police say they don’t have any suspects yet.

Bowser is one of four people killed in Battle Creek this year, and half of those cases have no suspects, so his sister India Bowser and the Rev. Tino Smith from Kingdom Builders Worldwide Church worked together to come up with the telethon idea. It’ll run from Sunday, September 2 at 6pm to 3:30pm on Labor Day, and the goal is to raise $5,000.

The money would then be used to help incentivize those with information to come forward. There is already a $2,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest in the death of Joseph Bowser.

More information can be found at

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