This week's Miles for Memories Moment focuses on early onset dementia. Kris Hirzel of Centracare in Battle Creek, a Miles for Memories volunteer, says early onset dementia can occur in someone younger than 65, but for some, it may begin as early as age 30.

Kris tells us there isn’t a single test that confirms you have early-onset Alzheimer’s but there are several ways your doctors can check to see if you have it.

  • Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, including any symptoms that are bothering you now.
  • You’ll also take tests that check your memory and see how well you solved problems.
  • You may also get imaging tests that look for change in your brain and can help rule out other cause of your symptoms. They may include a CT scan which is a powerful X-ray that makes detailed pictures inside your body.  Or, you might get an MRI which uses magnets and radio waves to create images.
  • An occupational therapist also may provide information to your doctor about your functional cognition or how you process information in familiar and unfamiliar situations to complete daily activities.
  • Your doctor might also suggest tests that look for changes in genes that are linked to early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Click the player above to hear more.

Miles for Memories is a grassroots organization seeking to change the face of Alzheimer’s disease in Calhoun County through movement, programming and research.  For more information, call 269-979-1412 or visit Mils for Memories on Facebook.

MIles for Memories "Rock A Thon" is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17, 2017. Courtesy Miles for Memories-Facebook
MIles for Memories "Rock A Thon" is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17, 2017. Courtesy Miles for Memories-Facebook

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