President Obama

Sen. Schumer/Pres. Obama and Immigration
Sen. Schumer/Pres. Obama and Immigration
Sen. Schumer/Pres. Obama and Immigration
I uncovered some amazing video of Senator Chuck Schumer discussing immigration reform and illegal aliens, his words, from back in 2009.  Listen to them and compare that to the Senator calling the ending DACA “heartless” on Tuesday...
Let’s Make a Deal: Russia, IRS and Benghazi
Let’s Make a Deal: Russia, IRS and Benghazi
Let’s Make a Deal: Russia, IRS and Benghazi
The Democrat’s and by Democrat’s I mean almost all of the media, are calling for a Special Prosecutor for the alleged President Trump/Russian collusion story that is being pushed by them. I say ok how about a deal, if you want a Special Prosecutor for the Russian story then we should also include a Special Prosecutor for the IRS under President Obama going after his political enemies...
Exec Orders, State of the Union and More
Exec Orders, State of the Union and More
Exec Orders, State of the Union and More
We certainly are acquainted, most likely, with the politics on both sides of the presidential executive order issue. But what was executive order power really meant to accomplish? Western Michigan University political science Dr. Peter Wielhouwer discussed it on The Richard Piet Show this week, along with whether or not Mr...
Oregon Tragedy and Gun Laws
Oregon Tragedy and Gun Laws
Oregon Tragedy and Gun Laws
It is being reported that at least 9 people were killed and 7 injured by a gunman today at a southwestern Oregon community college. The shooting was reported about 10:40 a.m. PST at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg; about 180 miles south of Portland and 70 miles south of Eugene, Oregon...
Hypocrisy and WaPo
Hypocrisy and WaPo
Hypocrisy and WaPo
Once again the Mainstream Media (MSM) makes it easy for me.  That is the problem when you do not keep you criticisms and opinions straight.
Say It: Christians
Say It: Christians
Say It: Christians
As was reported by NBC news, President Barack Obama called Kenya's president to express his condolences to the country's residents and offer the support of the United States after gunmen stormed Garissa University College early Thursday and killed at least 147 people in a shocking rampage. ...

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