In my first article about Congressman Amash responding to a question from reporter in which I informed you that Congressmen Amash agreed that President Trump could face impeachment proceedings if allegations that he urged the former FBI director to drop an investigation are actually proven true.  The allegations were reported by the New York Times using an unnamed source and without seeing the notes in which this unnamed source was allegedly reading from.   At this point I ask how anyone could prove these allegations without tapes, I do not know.  But then does President Trump or former FBI Director Comey have tapes, stay tuned.

Back to my point about the first story, I stated that Congressman Amash was the first elected Republican politician to raise the possibility of impeachment in response to a reporters question, if the alleged claims made by an unnamed source were true.

Well I just learned that Congressman Amash was not the first one but actually the second elected Republican Congressman to raise the possibility of impeachment.  On Tuesday evening, Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) noted that if Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, then that could and should be considered an impeachable offense.

The purpose of my last article about this situation and this article is Republicans answering what would seem to be legitimate questions always appears to backfire on them and/or the Party.  We all know that almost all of the "news" media today are die hard Liberals who will do whatever it takes to take down any Republican politician, pundit or regular Joe if that regular Joe stick their heads about above the crowd, remember "Joe the Plumber" Joe Wurzelbacher.

Congressman Amash should have known that answering a very leading question instead of deflecting the question in which the answer is now being used by Democrats everywhere to further impugn the President.  Last night on the Tucker Carlson show a liberal Krystal Ball brought up Congressman Amash's response in her interview with Tucker, go to minute 7:00 in her interview.

I am not trying to say what Congressman Amash's response was incorrect but I am saying that he should have known better than to get caught in that trap.  In fact what was alleged in the New York Times article was not that President Trump told the FBI Director to drop the investigation, President Trump was alleged to say:

I hope you can let this go. I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.

There is a big difference between "I hope" and I demand.  Although I do understand that words from a President carry a lot of weight.  The question is does President Trump understand that his words carry a lot of weight and will be spun to the advantage of his opponents.

The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts call (269) 441-9595

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