12 Year Old Michigan Girl Lands on GMA for Her Legislative Work
This may be the first time I've used the terms "12-year-old girl" and "legislative work" in the same sentence. However, this is not the first time this girl's actions have landed her on Good Morning America.
Zoey Harrison is a 12-year-old girl from Michigan who is currently fighting to help make bathrooms more accessible for people with disabilities. As reported by Good Morning America, Zoey has cerebral palsy and uses an electric wheelchair. She's been working since 2019 on introducing two types of bills to Michigan state officials:
- Accessibility to public restrooms. As far as terms go "accessibility" has a broad meaning. But, Zoey detailed experiences like having to be changed in a bathroom where there wasn't enough space or a clean surface. Instead, her parents had to carefully lay towels on the floor to change her.
- Adding locations to accessible restrooms to Michigan's government website. Zoey suggested that by having accessible restrooms publicly-listed families could better map out their long trips.
While these may seem like small, simple steps to improve the lives of those who are disabled, they're problems that may have never crossed our minds if not for people like Zoey actively working to change them.
In fact, Zoey met with Michigan Congressman John Moolenaar earlier this month who said, "I never knew this was a problem." He also went on to praise Zoey's ideas and invited her to present them in Washington D.C. later this year.
Zoey, who was adopted by Jennifer and John Harrison at the age of 1, is hardly a newcomer to making national news. In fact, she's been the topic of a few different stories from winning Miss Wheelchair Michigan to the invention of the X-Ability Wheelchair BodyCoats previously covered on Good Morning America.
With Zoey's enthusiasm, positivity, and dedication to making a change I have no doubt that she will be successful. Check out News Channel 13 On Your Side's interview with Zoey from earlier this month:
Speaking of making things more accessible, a beach in Grand Haven State Park just took a major step for those who are disabled by providing wheelchairs that can traverse the sandy terrain. Read more below:
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