A routine speeding traffic stop ending up turning into a touching moment between a man and Officer Kevin Coates of the Sterling Heights Police Department.

On September 30th Officer Kevin Coates pulled over a 79-year-old man named David for speeding. David was visibly upset and started crying during the traffic stop. David told Officer Kevin Coates that his wife was in bad health, and their adult son had special needs.

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During the traffic stop, David told Officer Kevin Coates that the reason he was upset is that he had just purchased a new TV for his wife and was unable to hook it up. David had been running around from store to store trying to find the correct cables to hook up the new TV and was having no luck. Officer Kevin Coates wanted to help David out and got his number and told him that if he had time later in the night he would call him and try to come over to help install and set up the new TV.

About an hour later Officer Kevin Coates along with some fellow Sterling Heights Police Officers make a quick trip over to David's house and once inside they were able to install his new TV and successfully set it up. They even took the time to show him and his wife how to use it.

David and his family were very thankful for the officer's act of kindness.

Check out the heartwarming body camera footage below


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