Against Selling Baby Organs? You’re an Extremist.
The strange world of the left’s ideology is getting stranger, or I should say outright bizarre.
President Obama, in an address to Planned Parenthood, said, “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.” He choose the words “God bless you” and directed them towards a group of people who believe in the killing of a baby in the mother’s womb.
Would your God bless a group like that?
The President of the pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood has called people who do not believe in the killing of babies in the womb "extremist."
The President of the pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood has called people who do not believe in the harvesting and selling of aborted babies’ organs "extremist."
The Service Employees International Union President Mary Kay Henry said in a statement “The outrageous attacks on Planned Parenthood are nothing more than extremists’ attempts to advance their political agenda with complete disregard for the potential impacts.”
The President of the AFL-CIO Union Richard Trumka said the videos were misleading and politically motivated.
You may be pro-abortion, you may be for the harvesting and selling of aborted babies' organs, but do you believe someone who is pro-life and against the harvesting and selling of aborted babies’ organs is an extremist?
Can someone explain to me how these two women (I would not want them to be my mother) can intellectually say that the extremists are the people who are pro-life and against the harvesting and selling of aborted babies’ organs, and the people who are pro-abortion and for the harvesting and selling of aborted babies’ organs are not the extremists?
How much more bizarre can this get?
As Charles Krauthammer wrote in his opinion piece published in The Washington Post, “Abortion critics have long warned that the problem is not only the obvious — what abortion does to the fetus — but also what it does to us. It’s the same kind of desensitization that has occurred in the Netherlands with another mass exercise in life termination: assisted suicide. It began as a way to prevent the suffering of the terminally ill. It has now become so widespread and wanton that one-fifth of all Dutch assisted-suicide patients are euthanized without their explicit consent.”
What has our society and culture come to, if we cannot at least all agree that people who are pro-life and against the harvesting and selling of aborted babies’ organs are not the extremist?
Let’s discuss this today on my show The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
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