Area Restaurants Try to Adapt to State Closures
On Monday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer closed theaters, bars, and casinos, and limited restaurants to carry-out and delivery orders. The order was reflected in the sign on the door at Barista Blues Cafe, located at 91 W Michigan Avenue in downtown Battle Creek.
The restaurant had setbacks in recent days, after the Governor's order to limit gatherings to just 250 people of less. "We had two catering jobs cancelled, and one was for 250 people", said Kelly Vassallo, daughter of owner Maryann Angelo.
The restaurant opened for business as usual today, and when the word came about the closure, they, like many other restaurants, were stuck with a lot of food.
"We already donated a lot of food to the Haven of Rest", said Vassallo. She says they'll shift the business to take out beginning Tuesday morning. "We'll be open from 7:30am to 3pm for breakfast and lunch take-out, and we'll also do dinner take-out for people who would like to heat it up at home."
She says they'll post daily specials and menus on their Facebook page.
At least two other restaurants we visited on Michigan Avenue were already closed by 2pm, an hour before the state deadline.