City of Battle Creek Launches New, Unique Way to Communicate Info for Residents
Officials with the City of Battle Creek have announced a new way they will start communicating various information to residents in the community.

The new tool is called 'Textedly' and is used through mobile phones and devices. The city says this is their newest communication tool, but other forms of communication will still continue to be used as well, such as the city's website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, as well as emails.
Textedly is described as an SMS/texting notification system and it is aimed to better reach people in the Battle Creek community. The new tool also allows the city to directly text residents who choose to opt-in about a variety of topics.
In August of 2021, the city put out a poll to residents asking for input on the types of information they would want to receive text messages about. Following the results of the poll, Battle Creek officials have narrowed it down to three categories of messages.
If you would like to opt-in to receive messages related to information in Battle Creek here is what you need to do:
- Text BCALERTS to (844)-673-7474 to subscribe to emergency alerts (boil water advisories, severe weather, crime emergencies, etc.)
- Text BCNEWS to (844)-673-7474 to subscribe to general city news (building closures, events, elections, and general city service info)
- Text BCCOVID19 to (844)-673-7474 to subscribe to COVID19 (alerts and updates)
Residents can subscribe to all of them, but you need to send each type of alert as a separate text. You can also pick or choose based on what types of things you want to be notified about from the above categories. The service is free, however, any smartphone standard SMS/texting fees with coverage plans may apply.
Once you subscribe to a category, you will receive an automated reply back. This reply will include the estimated amount of messages you will be sent a month, and also let you know how to cancel your subscription if you change your mind. It also will allow you to seek any assistance with this new system.
The city also reminds residents since the program is new, there could be some delays or bugs to work out as it all gets started.
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