Battle Creek Unlimited Unveils a 5-year Plan to Build on a Successful Year
Battle Creek has added close to 300 jobs in the past year. There's more on the way.
Battle Creek Unlimited CEO and President Joe Sobieralski was a guest on the 95.3 WBCK Morning Show with Tim Collins, and outlined the job creation of the past year.
- Prairie Farms, 60 jobs.
- Duncan Aviation, 50 jobs.
- Bowers Aluminum, phase 1 (of 3), 94 jobs
- New Holland Brewery, 50 jobs
- Restore 269 and the "Mystery Brewery" 15 jobs
- Janesville Acoustics, possibly 79 jobs transfering.
The BCU board recently adopted a five year strategic plan. Sobieralski says BCU will not only focus on the Fort Custer Industrial Park, but also on key vibrancy things in Downtown Battle Creek. He says BCU will deploy its resources to bolster quality of life in the community. He identified five growth sectors, some of which are not that new, but efforts will be made to develop new technologies within those "legacy growth sectors".
- Automotive OEM supply chain. Adapting to changes in the industry and what parts are needed for new cars.
- Aviation/Defense
- Food and Beverage
- Energy Storage, and they've branded BC "Battery City", with hopes to grow the energy storage industry that is growing.
- Logistics Services, Aviation and Defense, but especially drone technology.
Sobieralski also talked about the status of the Small Business Startup Initiative, kicked off by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation a few months ago. He said the new Burmese restaurant took advantage of the program. He said they had 30 applicants right out of the gate, and that about 7 of those are about to move to the next step in the process.
When asked about the Heritage Tower project, Sobieralski said, "It's third down, 15 seconds left, inches to the goal and we've got to punch it in."
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