Battle Creek Skateboard Shop Offering Free Summer Camps
When I was a late teen back in 2003, it was all about Jackass, CKY, and skateboarding was at its high in popularity with the help of legend Tony Hawk. Unfortunately for me, I didn't have any place willing to give free skateboarding lessons like the team at Battleground Skate Shop in Battle Creek. This summer they're running free skate camps throughout Battle Creek to help get kids get their skating skills to the next level. The events are gonna be held on the following dates and locations:
What Will Be Included?
Skaters or Scooter riders will be able to learn tricks, play games, create art, win prizes and watch pro skaters do what they do best. There will be a limited number of skateboards and helmets available to borrow from the shop, so they're suggesting you bring your own.
How Do You Sign Up?
In order for minors to sign up, a parent MUST sign a waiver before their kids can attend. The waiver can be found HERE. All ages are able to attend but kids under 7 need a parent or guardian to stay with them during the camp.
All camp dates will be running from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. As always, protective gear will ensure you have a long life and a long life in skateboarding as well.