Municipal Work Continues To Open Battle Creek’s First Dog Park
The efforts to bring Battle Creek’s first dog park to fruition are continuing to move along.
The Battle Creek City Commission is meeting Tuesday evening, and will be adopting two ordinances and voting on a third regarding the Home Run Dog Park at Bailey Park. The first two will allow for an exception in the city’s animal rules which prohibit a dog to be loose off their leash; if the dog is in a dog park, there would be no violation. The ordinances will also allow for dogs to be brought into C.O. Brown Stadium at special events, such as “Bark In The Park” nights.
The ordinance that’s being voted on Tuesday would establish specific rules of conduct for Home Run Dog Park. These rules state among many other things that a dog owner must keep their dog within their sight and under control, and dogs that act aggressively are banned.
Home Run Dog Park is currently being built at the southwest corner of Bailey Park, and is expected to be open sometime this summer.
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