UPDATE: Apollo the bobcat has been found!

According to Blanford Nature Center,

He was caught in live trap by a neighbor on the north east side of Blandford's property today. He shows no visible injuries or ailments and is awaiting his Veterinary check-up to confirm he is healthy and able to return to his newly reinforced enclosure with his sister.

Original Story: A young male bobcat, a new wildlife ambassador at Grand Rapids' Blanford Nature Center, has escaped his enclosure.

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The non-profit nature preserve shared news of the missing bobcat, Apollo, to Facebook. He was last seen on Blanford's property at 5p.m. on Friday. They say that due to his age and size, it's not likely Apollo will be a threat to humans or most animals. The young bobcat is around 17 pounds and about the size of a large house cat.

Blanford has notified the DNR and local police. They're asking the public to please keep an eye out and report any sightings to the GRPD non-emergency line at 616-456-3400.

Anyone who spots Apollo should not attempt to capture him.

In the meantime, Apollo's sister, Artemis, has been placed in a temporary shelter until Blanford is able to make altercations to the original enclosure.

The two young, orphaned bobcats recently arrived at Blanford Nature Center.

The siblings were found in Hart, Michigan after their mother was hit by a car and killed this past spring. The bobcats were brought to Kelly’s Westshore Animal Friends where a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator determined that they would not be able to survive in the wild and they would need to find a permanent home. Blandford Nature Center stepped up to be that permanent home for the young bobcats.

They say their phones and social media are not monitored 24/7, so again, anyone who spots Apollo should call GRPD at 616-456-3400.

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From grazing Tibetan antelope to migrating monarch butterflies, these 50 photos of wildlife around the world capture the staggering grace of the animal kingdom. The forthcoming gallery runs sequentially from air to land to water, and focuses on birds, land mammals, aquatic life, and insects as they work in pairs or groups, or sometimes all on their own.

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