Former US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is calling out Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Republican Devos was named Education Secretary by then-Republican President Donald Trump. Devos is taking Michigan's Democratic Governor to task for a recent line-item veto in an education spending bill.  DeVos’s comments are published as an opinion piece in the Detroit News this past weekend. DeVos points out that reading is a critical skill for all of us. She contends literacy, “...unlocks a lifetime of learning.”

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So that is why the former Education Secretary is so critical of the veto by Governor Whitmer to prevent parents from having access to an important tool to use to help their kids improve their reading skills. The focal point is a plan that was approved by state legislative Democrats and Republicans to set up funding for parents to be able to tap into a $1,000 scholarship. The money could be used to help their struggling young readers in grades K-5 get support from a tutor or attend a summer learning program.
DeVos calls the Governor’s slashing that provision from a recent education spending bill, “indefensible”.

DeVos claims two factors are at work. She says kids throughout Michigan lost valuable time in classes. And while away from connection with their teachers, reading skills lagged. And then DeVos adds blame directly on Governor Whitmer for working in concert with teachers' unions to keep schools shut down. DeVos says the length of time kids were away from classes is directly attributable to the Governor and teachers' unions.

DeVos writes, “How sad that Whitmer and her allies don’t respect parents and don’t trust them with the freedom, flexibility and resources (read: their own tax dollars) needed to do what’s best for their kids.”

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