The 62nd District Michigan House of Representatives race is being considered among those that could help shape the balance of power in Lansing in the next legislative session. Thus, it has become a competitive race where campaign ads have taken a negative tone.

Rep. Dr. John Bizon, a Republican elected two years ago when the seat was vacated by former Rep. Kate Segal, a Democrat, who was term limited.

Bizon is being challenged by long-time Calhoun County Commissioner Jim Haadsma, a Democrat, who is an attorney.

Both will occupy the WBCK studio between 8-8:30 a.m. Friday, October 28, and will participate in a structured debate answering questions about various issues. The debate will be moderated by WBCK morning host Richard Piet.

Hear the debate live on 95.3 FM or online at or download the Radio Pup smartphone app.

Hear The Richard Piet Show weekday mornings from 5:30-9 on WBCK.

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