The ghost town of Broomfield has a somewhat confusing background.

It began in 1877 as a post office with Henry Woodin as postmaster, along the Chippewa River in Sherman Township, Isabella County. Along with the post office, there was a general store, hotel, a grist mill and a saw mill; by now the town had a whoppin' population of 50.

By 1899, something odd happened: the Broomfield post office was now called the “Drew” post office (see 1899 atlas below)  with postmaster duties handled by B.W. Hagerman. Drew became a station on the Pere Marquette Railroad, and the post office ended up closing down in 1904.

Drew's population was down to 25 by 1910.

So where did Broomfield go?

Broomfield Township had been around since 1866, located immediately south of Sherman Township. Smack dab in the center of the township was the Broomfield Town Hall. This became known as “Broomfield Center” while the actual “Broomfield” had been moved from Sherman Township down to the southeast corner of Broomfield Township (where it should have been in the first place).

Drew seems to barely exist at the old Broomfield location in Sherman Township at the junction of W. Drew & Woodin roads. The current 'Broomfield' seems mostly forgotten and doesn't show up on most – if any – maps, but you can find the location at W. Broomfield & S. Brinton roads.

If any of this makes sense, try to visit both areas next time you're taking a Michigan roadtrip. Heck, I wrote it and I'M confused.


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