Latest Virus Stats for Calhoun County And The State
Less than a dozen new cases of COVID-19 virus are reported over the weekend in Calhoun County. The County Public Health Department is reporting 4 cases Saturday and 7 yesterday. Results from those who were tested at a new Albion test site won’t be known for another day or two. The County reports a total of 371 positive cases since the outbreak began about 10 weeks ago. That works out to .27 percent, or not yet 3 tenths of one percent, of the total population in the county. Health administrators say more testing is needed to make sure the county is protected. There are no new deaths that health experts here blame even in part on the virus in the county from over the weekend. That total remains 22, or .016 percent of the total population in the county, not yet reaching 2 one-hundredths of one percent.
The new statewide total case count is 57,397. That’s .579, or not yet 6 tenths of one percent of Michigan’s population. Using new expanded reporting criteria that allow more deaths to be attributed to the virus, the state puts that number at 5,491. That’s .055%, or well under 6 one-hundredths of one percent, of Michigan’s population.
Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer meanwhile is extending an Executive Order requiring Michigan residents who can tolerate wearing a face mask to do so when entering grocery stores and pharmacies. That EO is now in effect through Tuesday, the 12th. The Order additionally requires grocery stores and pharmacies to set aside a minimum of two hours per week for shopping time set aside exclusively for vulnerable populations.
MORE: 5 Things I Never Thought I'd Hear Or Say Before COVID-19

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