This Vicksburg Mansion is Pretty But Has the Most Chaotic Layout
When it comes to interior design, there's a lot that can be considered relatively beautiful. After all, style tastes change from person to person.
But, at a certain point you have to wonder, "What were they thinking?"
In Vicksburg, there's a lakefront mansion that's currently listed for sale for $825,000 by Randy Hughey of Hughey, REALTORS Inc. He can be contacted at 269-649-4967.
The mansion, at first glance, looks ideal. It's secluded, surrounded by trees, looks to be spacious, and sits on a gorgeous lake. As far as amenities, the home includes:
- 4 Bedrooms
- 4 Bathrooms
- 2 Fireplaces
- 4 Car Garage
And more. You can see the listing and all of the features here.
It all sounds pretty standard for a large home. But, there may be a few odd things you notice once you tour the interior of the home. Take a look:
This Vicksburg Mansion Has the Most Chaotic Layout
See what I mean? Chaos! That lakefront view, though, is breathtaking. Of course, once you've seen this property in Battle Creek, which has three other homes in addition to the mansion on the property, it's hard for any other properties to measure up: