Dealing With Michigan Pollen on Your Car Without The Endless Car Wash Cycle
It's about that time of year. We begged for it and now some of us are regretting it just a tiny bit. Even though summer is just about a month away, it finally feels like spring in the Mitten and with that comes better weather but also dreaded pollen everywhere.
If you're anything like me, you've got a double whammy from the pollen: seasonal allergies and a dark-colored car.
This is my first spring in Michigan, having moved from Alabama late last year. I'm adjusting to the new environment and so far I've been somewhat lucky as the pollen and plants here don't affect me quite as harshly as they did in Alabama. I also spend a lot more time inside these days, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.
However, what can't be overcome is every time I do head outside, I have to see my beautiful black car covered in that nasty yellow pollen. With the rain staving off for a few days, it just collects and collects.

Why bother going through a car wash? It's just going to pile back on. And honestly, nothing looks worse than the yellow streaks left on your car after the car wash as the water runs down, carrying the pollen with it. Plus, going to the car wash adds up against your wallet if you don't have a membership.
So, for me and my Toyota Camry, we'll stay out of the endless cycle of car washes. The poor thing is going to be yellow until it rains.
That said, you can be more proactive about the pollen on your vehicle. If you are looking to avoid the car wash but still want to make the effort to keep the "Michigan Spring Seasoning" off your ride and out of your nose, check out some of the tips below.
How You and Your Car Can Fight of the Pollen This Spring
7 Must-See Spring Destinations in Michigan
Listen Up! 10 Birds You're Hearing in Spring in Michigan
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