Do Not Blame A Woman For Reporting A Rape That Never Happened?
This one confuses me. If a woman reports to the police or her university that she was raped when it never happened, we should forgive her and not punish her.
According to the Journal News in Westchester New York, New York Democrat Senator Kristen Gillibrand stated on an Albany public radio show the following “Victim blaming or shining the spotlight on her for coming forward is not the right approach.”
Well Senator Gillibrand, how is a “victim” who reports a crime that never happened still a “victim”?
She was talking about the University of Virginia female student who claimed she was rape at a fraternity. According to the article in the Journal News the “police in Charlottesville said they were unable to verify that the alleged sexual assault occurred after a controversial Rolling Stone magazine article detailed the female student's alleged ordeal in 2012 at a fraternity house. The story has been full of discrepancies, as reports in the Washington Post and elsewhere found, and the magazine has since published an apology.”
How do these people with little intellect or one's that will push their agenda no matte what the facts are, elected?
The Senator went on to say “it would be wrong for some to call on the female student in the UVA scandal to face criminal charges, I think it’s inappropriate”
Interesting, we should not punish woman, or for that matter men, who make false accusations of rape. Why, well because it might discourage actual rape victims reporting actually being raped.
Do you believe that to be the case?
In this case and others we must protect a woman, even though it appears she lied about being raped.
What about the man who was accused, should he not be protected?
What if that young man was your son?
Do you remember the false rape charges against the Duke University Lacrosse team?
What are your thoughts?
Let’s discuss this Wednesday on my show the Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
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