The decision to return downtown Kalamazoo to two-way traffic has been made. Now, the City of Kalamazoo wants you to support it.

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To that end, the city has set up a series of "community engagement events" looking for input on what amenities residents would like added to the multi-million dollar project. These events begin on Thursday (July 28th) starting with the Stuart neighborhood, followed by the Northside and downtown districts.

The schedule is as follows:

  • The Stuart, Douglas, and West Main Hill Neighborhoods Open House is Thursday, July 28, 6 – 8 p.m. at Station #5 at 619 Douglas Avenue.
  • Northside Association for Community Development (NACD) National Night Out is Tuesday, August 2 at 4 – 7 pm at 612 Park Street.
  • There's an event scheduled during Art Hop: on Friday, August 5th from 5 – 8 pm at the Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo, at 359 S Kalamazoo Mall, in Suite 203.
  • An event is set for the Arcadia Creek Festival Site on Friday, August 19 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm.
  • Weekly events are set for Lunchtime Live! on August 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th at Bronson Park.
  • And finally, a Business Open Town Hall on Tuesday, August 23rd from 2 -3:00 pm at the Catalyst Center in the new building at 180 E Water St.

The project will include above-ground streetscape work as well as updating utilities, some of which are more than 100 years old. The project will also include smart traffic signals, transit upgrades, and pedestrian improvements. Streetscape work could also include lighting, signalized pedestrian crossing and signage, pedestrian bump-outs, benches, street trees, and other amenities. - City of Kalamazoo

The city says it's looking at an 18-month window from 2024-2025 to undo what has been in place for almost 60 years on Kalamazoo Avenue. If the schedule is similar for Michigan Avenue, residents are looking for at least three years of construction through downtown, which would put a strain on downtown businesses.

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