Egyptian Fraternity Party Cancelled at University of Michigan
Will all themed parties be eventually prohibited?
University of Michigan’s Delta Sigma Phi chapter wanted to recently hold a “Nile” themed party but had to cancel that party because Egyptian Student Association president Yasmeen Afifi felt it was insensitive.
The Michigan Daily newspaper is reporting about this crisis at U of M.
The article reports that the party was to:
honor our Egyptian roots and join us on the night of September 1st to celebrate our newly built pyramid” and to “come to [the party] as a mummy, Cleopatra or King Tut
Once Ms. Afifi learned of this party she tweeted:
I am the president of the Egyptian Student Association and these whites don’t know what they got themselves into
She also tweeted:
White umich back on their bull [expletive] and cultural appropriation can’t wait !!!
Because of these tweets and the objections of the Egyptian Student Association the Executive Board of Delta Sigma Phi at Michigan released a statement Saturday, apologizing for the event on Facebook. The statement in part stated:
We sincerely apologize to anyone who was hurt by the theme choice. We have learned our lesson and will take more precaution in the future when deciding themes for events. We pride ourselves on being a diverse social fraternity with members from a wide variety of religions, races, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and other identities. It would never be the intention to make anyone from any group…feel unwelcome or uncomfortable
In response to the fraternities statement Ms. Afifi released her own statement which stated:
As an Egyptian, and one that has respect for various cultures and civilizations, this party is extremely offensive and disrespectful. I take pride in the grandeur of my people’s legacy and will not allow my culture to be appropriated for your entertainment. Although I’m not surprised and couldn’t expect more out of a white fraternity, the conversation still needs to be had. This is much larger than just a party; it is the privilege that led this frat to think it was remotely okay. White people have invaded, stolen, erased, and defaced numerous ancient Egyptian artifacts, symbols and temples in attempt to claim one of the greatest civilizations as their own
As I stated above, how could anyone ever throw a themed party in this environment, someone somewhere will always be offended.
Next will be the “Toga” party, the 80’s themed party and so on, it will never end.
How about you make your statement and then just choose not to attend the party?