Flores Challenges Newsome in Battle Creek Ward 3
Battle Creek City Commissioner Dean Newsome cites a great connection to the city as the reason he wants to continue as a commissioner, asking voters in Ward 3 to re-elect him Tuesday. Newsome, a veteran, came to Battle Creek during his last duty assignment in the military and said the area impressed him, convincing him to stay once he retired from the service.
Speaking on Monday's Richard Piet Show on WBCK, Newsome cited various accomplishments of the city commission over the last year, and discussed others he sees as priorities in the coming year.
Challenger Kate Flores, who wants to unseat Newsome, talked about her accomplishments in the development of a non-profit in Battle Creek, along with a passion to serve the community, as main qualifications.
Both candidates discussed their impressions of the BC Vision process thus far. Hear the entire interview by clicking the video below.
Hear The Richard Piet Show weekday mornings from 5:30-9 on WBCK.