Fourteen Year-old Identified As A Suspect In School Threat
In a joint press release issued by Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, the Kalamazoo Township Police Department and Kalamazoo Public Schools, authorities believe they have identified the person responsible for the original social media posting threatening Kalamazoo Public Schools. A fourteen year-old Kalamazoo resident has been placed into the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home after authorities traced the posting.
The original threat closed four Kalamazoo schools on Monday and caused a number of copycat threats, one which closed Parchment High School at 1 PM, Tuesday.
Authorities determined that the fourteen year-old wasn’t making a credible threat and students and staff were not in danger. The investigation is ongoing and additional suspects are being identified. In the State of Michigan, the crime of posting a terrorist threat, regardless of the intent or the capability of committing the act, is a felony punishable by imprisonment up to 20 years or a fine of not more than $20,000 or both.
Authorities are asking parents to talk with their kids about this serious matter. Parents are asked to talk with their students about this serious matter. Joking about a threat or copying a threat that was posted elsewhere is just as serious as a credible threat. Students should remember that if they “see something, say something.”