Free Eclipse Viewing In Battle Creek
As the solar eclipse approaches Monday, the public is being warned of the dangers of looking at the sun, during the eclipse, without the proper protection. The retina of the eye can be burned, damaging eyesight. It’s also a good idea to keep your pets inside, so that they aren’t harmed.
If you would like to view the eclipse safely, the Kingman Museum is hosting a viewing get-together, starting at 1 PM and the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, in Kalamazoo, is offering free viewings using telescopes, solar tubes, eclipse boxes and glasses. The viewing takes place from 11:45 AM to 4:15 PM. They are located at 230 North Rose Street, in downtown Kalamazoo.
The eclipse in the Battle Creek area will be about 85%, and will peak around 2:20 PM. Be sure to take the proper precautions and protect your kids, your pets and yourself.