It is important that women know how to protect themselves. The Richland Police department is offering a free workshop to teach potentially life-saving skills.

Ideally, men would be socialized not to prey on women and this would not be an issue. Realistically, it is an issue. Women interested in learning self-defense techniques will want to join the Richland Police Department for a free workshop in September.

  • Richland PD Women's Self Defense Workshop
  • 6:30pm | Tuesday, September 10
  • RSVP to the Facebook event page

Participants will have the chance to meet Richland police personnel and "learn effective techniques that leverage biomechanics against a would-be attacker." They say, "this is a hands on workshop, please dress in workout attire and bring a water bottle."

Healthline cites a University of Oregon study that found that women who participated in a self-defense class

  • had better safety strategies in place
  • were more equipped to deal with strangers, and people they know, in the context of potential assault or abuse
  • had more positive feelings about their bodies
  • had increased self-confidence

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