Full Blast Wants Your Help Deciding New Indoor Water Feature
It seemed like winter weather lingered longer than usual this year, but now we've been fortunate to have some summer like weather in Michigan. In just a few weeks, Full Blast and Flash Flood Park will be opening for the season and the Battle Creek Recreation department is asking for feedback with a quick survey on the city's website.
Due to some structural damage, the two indoor water slides were closed in June of last year. It was determined to be too costly to repair and the slides have now been removed completely. So now, the staff at Full Blast wants to know what visitors would like to see in its place. They have provided a few options on the survey including adding a new slide, splash pad or leaving it as is. There is also an area to write in an idea which might be a great way to let loose the imaginations of your children.
You can take the survey by clicking here.
Full Blast Recreation Center and Flash Flood Water Park is located at 35 Hamblin Avenue in downtown Battle Creek. The park opens Saturday, May 26 during Memorial Day Weekend. It will be open only on weekends through June 10th before full-time summer hours begin.
To give more feedback, purchase pool passes, or for more information, call 269-966-3431 or email bcrecreation@battlecreekmi.gov.
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