Generation E Institute’s Startup Fest Is Accelerated For 2017
The Generation E Institute in Battle Creek is staging its third annual Startup Fest on Saturday, September 30, 2017, and the pace has been stepped up this year.
Teaming up with the BC Vision Small Business Action Team, the institute facilitated mentoring connections for five startup mentees ahead of this year's event. That means Saturday's competition for $4500 in cash prizes kicks off quicker than the previous two years.
It starts off with the competitors, each of whom already have a business established but want to advance it, listening to various presentations from various entities they have requested. Then, the public and a panel of judges can listen to each of their pitches.
The event is open to the public from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at Miller Manor, 310 Wahwahtaysee Way, Battle Creek. Click the player above to hear more.
BONUS VIDEO - Amanda Lankerd And Kristin Brennan From The Gen E Institute Talk BC Vision | Richard Piet Show