Gov. Whitmer Promotes “86-ing” Trump During TV Interview
Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer says chanting at a campaign rally for President Donald Trump in Muskegon was “incredibly disturbing”. Similar to the chants aimed at fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign, the crowd in Muskegon broke into a “lock her up” chant aimed at Governor Whitmer.
Whitmer appeared on an NBC television show yesterday morning and told interviewers it’s all the fault of President Trump and that he needs to town down the rhetoric. Whitmer is also continuing to blame the President for inciting domestic terrorism. That's in reference to the alleged plot to kidnap the Governor that was revealed earlier this month. Arrests are still being made in that case. During the Muskegon rally, the President said the Governor needs to ease up on her restrictions in Michigan, now being done with Orders from state departments to circumvent a series of stinging rebukes from the Michigan Supreme Court which nullified her virus-related Executive Orders. The Detroit News reports the Governor is also blaming "restriction fatigue" in Michigan on the President.
As the Governor used the national TV appearance to blame the President for inciting terrorism and the recent plot uncovered against her, only a few people initially noticed a prop of sorts on her desk. The Detroit News reports Whitmer, who is the national campaign chair for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, had a pin on the table at her Lansing residence that was clearly visible. It showed "8645". That is an anti-Trump message which references “86-ing” President Trump who is the 45th President of the United States. “86-ing references getting rid of someone. In some circles, "86-ing" also includes physical harm as part of the process.
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