A possible showdown could be in the making between President Donald Trump and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Governor Whitmer is considering blocking President Trump from holding re-election rallies in Michigan, according to a Detroit News report.
The governor claims it’s because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an Associated Press article, Whitmer said she “would think very seriously about” trying to block Trump from hosting a rally here.

“We know that congregating without masks, especially at an indoor facility, is the worst thing to do in the midst of a global pandemic,” Whitmer said in an interview before the Oklahoma event, conceding that she wasn’t aware of the specific legal tools she had available to block a prospective Trump rally. “I just know we have limitations on the number of people that can gather and that we’re taking this seriously.”

But critics are already saying any action to block a Trump rally in Michigan would be purely political.

Erik Kiilunen, a Michigan businessman and entrepreneur, leads the “All Business is Essential” campaign and has been working every day to get Michigan back to work despite what he calls “Governor Whitmer’s continuous, arbitrary abuses of her office when she’s not busy appearing at protests”.

“Regardless of your politics, you can’t argue there’s an ulterior motive here. The governor wants us to think she knows best, but all she’s doing here is pandering to her base” said Kiilunen.

Other critics point to Whitmer disregarding her orders as she recently marched with protesters.

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