Group Of Protestors March Down Westnedge Ave. On July 4th
They gathered in the parking lot of the Sears at the Crossroads mall on July 4th. From there they proceeded to march down Westnedge Avenue, one the busiest streets in southwest Michigan closing down one lane.
The organizers of the event they called “Juneteenth in July (July 4th Blackout)” said this march was part of a much larger effort to bring awareness to racial injustices and inequalities across the United States. Non-violent protesting is a great expression of this great country, in many other countries around the world you are not allowed to protest. It appears this was a peaceful protest and for that I congratulate them, so many these days turn to some level of aggression or violence.
They said they were marching to demand justice for people who have died as a result of police violence, last year there was 10 unarmed black and 19 unarmed white people who died at the hands of police. None of them seem to be aware of the approximately 7,400 black men and women murdered at the hands of others last year. Seems like their energy would be better spent protesting those deaths as opposed to only the ones at the hands of the police. As I always say all lives matter, not just the ones you choose to care about.
Last year 131 police officers were killed as a result of the criminal violence, they did not seem to know or possibly care about them either.
According to an article in MLive the:
Portage police officers were on scene throughout the march, two SUV’s drove directly in front of the group while two officers on bikes provided a single lane next to the sidewalk on South Westnedge Avenue. Police and protesters worked together to block intersections for demonstrators to cross.
It is great to know that anyone who wants to protest something can get the help of the Portage police to escort your group and shut down a lane and intersections on one of the busiest streets in southwest Michigan for the entirety of your protest.
If you want to protest anything and wish to shut down a lane and intersections on one of the busiest streets in southwest Michigan just let them know and they will be there to escort you.
If they deny you then let me know.
The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts call (269) 441-9595