It happened again... Michigan was given some love on one of America's beloved evening game shows, this time Wheel Of Fortune. It happened on Thursday evening's program.

Credit Wheel Of Fortune 2

During the third 'Toss-Up' round, which is worth $3,000, the answer to the puzzle for the 'On The Map' category was "Battle Creek Michigan". The first two contestants rang in too early and were not able to cash in, but the third one waited for a few more letters and made the solve.

Michigan has had several appearances on Wheel Of Fortune and Jeopardy! in the last couple years. In March 2018, Kalamazoo made both game shows on the same evening. A puzzle on Wheel in the same category was "Kalamazoo And Saginaw". Then during Jeopardy! that night, a photo clue was "Directional Universities" and Kalamazoo showed up  on a map. The answer was Western Michigan University.

In October 2018, Kalamazoo was featured on Jeopardy again, with a clue about Michigan related to the Kalamazoo Promise. The answer was: "Generous donors pay for college for almost every graduate from public schools in Kalamazoo in this state."

Along with Michigan references on these game shows, there was also news recently about one of the hosts with a local connection. It was announced in April that Wheel Of Fortune host Pat Sajak would be heading up the Board Of Trustees at Hillsdale College.

It's always fun to see Michigan featured on our favorite game shows and of course, makes solving the clues and puzzles that much easier!

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