In San Francisco, A Gay Father Of Mixed Race Adopted Child Not Woke Enough
The lunacy on the left is actually starting to become sadly entertaining. They have now become a caricature of themselves. The story starts with Seth Brenzel a father of an adopted child of mixed race.
The Daily Caller is reporting that Seth wanted to be a member of the San Francisco School Board’s Parent Advisory Board. In fact, he was unanimously supported and endorsed by members of that very same Parent Advisory Council for one of their four open seats.
Even the Parent Advisory Board attempted to be "woke" and specifically pointed out that the board was lacking representation from “LGBTQ+ families and those with experience with foster youth”. Because remember in the new leftist world a person's skill set for any position is not their number one priority. Their number one priority is a person (can we still call some humans, persons in their woke world?) is skin color, gender, what body part they have or do not want, who they sleep with, who they do not want to sleep with, who they identify as and so on and so on and so on.
Well, apparently a gay man married to a man who both adopted a mixed-race child does just not "woke" enough for them. He had one huge strike against him a strike that he could do nothing about.
He is WHITE!
Because he is white a commissioner by the name of Matt Alexander expressed his concern that their board maybe:
“creating [a] space that over-represent[s] white parents.”
The School Board Vice President Alison Collins was even offended by the idea that he could advocate for mixed-race students. She stated:
“As a mixed-race person myself, I find it offensive when folks say that somebody is a parent of somebody who is a person of color as like a signifier that they’re qualified to represent that community”
What do new aged "wokies" want, our society divided up by skin color, gender, what body part they have or do not want, who they sleep with, who they do not want to sleep with, who they identify as and so on and so on and so on.
As a great man once said we should judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin. I would add that we should not hire people based on the color of their skin, the biological body parts they were given, what body parts of their own they do not like or want, who they sleep or not sleep with, who they identify as and should judge them by the skill set and character they can bring to a job.
They are destroying this country and all movements that are attempting to bring equality to their groups. Note that I did not mention equity but equality.
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