Interesting No Nasty Signs Or Violence At Michigan Pro-Trump Protesting Bernie Rally
It is very much worth noting that over the weekend 2020 Democratic Socialist Primary for President Candidate Bernie Sanders visited Detroit Michigan to hold a rally with Freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and no violence took place.
Well there were very aggressive people who stuck their fingers and hands in the face of people, but of course they were from the Democratic Socialist Party. There are pictures of the Bernie and Rashida supporters sticking their fingers and hands in the face of Trump supporters and the Trump supporters not responding in kind.
This is a very important point to make, almost all of the violence and aggression these days is coming from the left. Much of the violence and aggression coming from the right is in response to the lefts violence and aggression. If you are being physically attacked you must respond or the people in the Democratic Party attacking you could do worse harm then they already have. Before I get a ton of nasty email I do realize that a small minority of violence or aggression does take place by people on the right unprovoked. Although do not blame the right for all of these usual cases you point to, none of them have been card carrying Republicans.
Bernie came to town evidently because this anti-Semitic congresswomen wanted to endorse him. Interesting to see how fair the anti-Semitic democratic socialist members of that Party have leaped frogged in importance over all the veteran Democratic politicians. Are you old time Democratic Party voters seeing this and understanding that your Party has moved so far away from you and your ideas.
Another interesting point, Rashida Tlaib also said the following:
I am endorsing Amo Bernie Sanders because he's not gonna sell us out. He understands that it's not just about policies and about words, but it's going to be also about completely transforming the structures in place.
What is this “Amo” word: well it is uncle in Arabic.
That certainly is an interesting choice of a word. I say this because could you imagine if President Trump was to use “onkel” when describing someone he supports? Onkel is German for uncle.
The media would have somehow tied that to Hitler and then eventually they would have brought in RUSSIA! How they would have explained Russian attacking Germany and Hitler I do not know but the MSMN is not very good at facts and either are the people who read or watch them.
So what exactly is Rashida telegraphing to us when describing her relationship with Bernie as uncle in Arabic?
Makes the mind wonder does it not?
What; people on the right cannot just make crap up like the left constantly does, what hypocrites you people are who might be thinking that.
Madha yahduth hna?
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