The 10 Commandments of Attending Western Michigan University
Going to college is a huge decision that tons of humans have to make year in and year out making it one of the toughest decisions we'll make in our lives. Of course, the people you interact with and the goals you have in your life play a factor in where you choose to further your education but so does the atmosphere of campus and the surrounding city.
Luckily, Kalamazoo is one of the many cities in America that is considered a college town, appealing to many potential Broncos. Once we have them hooked in, reeling them into the lifestyle here is the fun part. Yes, there are tons of breweries but there's more to living in Kalamazoo and attending WMU.
Western is a school that is known for a number of things from their spectacular business school, awesome social work program, outstanding occupational therapy curriculum, and other successful academic departments, they're also known for their wild times on campus.
One of the many things that draws students to WMU is the wild party, bar, and sports atmosphere that exist on campus. The football and hockey teams continuously enjoy great crowds, while the bars reap the benefits later that night. Although adult beverages and sports are fun, there's more on the list before you can become a Bronco.
I didn't attend Western Michigan University, but I did grow up in Kalamazoo, so I may not be an expert on how to be the most legit Bronco, but I do have most of it down. I'm not perfect and don't know everything about WMU but here are the 10 things you must do to be a Bronco.