Education is probably one of the most important yet scrutinized jobs that exist in our world. While everyone understands the importance of education and wants teachers to help their children become successful, but they also hold them under a microscope at all times. Every decision they make is watched carefully and picked apart by parents, but both sides just want the best for the child.

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Speaking of wanting the best, sometimes those two sides won't agree on what is actually best for the children. That's exactly what's happening in this school district in Michigan as they have proposed a change to one of the most controversial school topics.

The Portage Public Schools district in Southwest Michigan has considered and discussed the idea of moving the pornography lesson from the health class curriculum, from 9th grade down to 6th grade. As you may have expected, this received some initial pushback during the first reaction.

Although everyone is entitled to their opinion, the reasoning given by Portage Public Schools for the change seems valid to some. I acknowledge that some people don't wish for their children to be taught about these things in school at all while others are just concerned with the content and the age.

Portage Public Schools said they want to move the lesson to early middle school to combat the increasing accessibility of technology for younger students and make more of an impact than they believe in currently does in 9th grade. Portage Public Schools did show the parents the presentations and how they would be shown to students during the class.

Some parents gave feedback, and the slides were changed but the district did not budge on removing the word pornography as they felt it needed to be properly named to be addressed correctly. The course also covers healthy relationships, making smart decisions online and recognizing not everything students see online is reality.

The district is also looking at making changes to the HIV/AIDS curriculum and the information on how it is transmitted and treated. The changes to the HIV/AIDS curriculum and pornography lesson were approved by the district’s HGD Curriculum and Instruction Council Subcommittee, which consists of parents, students, educators, clergy and health professionals.

Abandoned Putter's Family Fun Center, Portage

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