Ticks are one of the worst insects that you can have a run in with as they cause itching, pain, and can even carry diseases as they bite through your skin and suck at your blood. Those of us with pets at home understand the dangers of ticks all too well as we constantly check our fur babies for unwanted riders all the time. Also, ticks are not restricted to only affecting pets or humans, as they could easily bounce between the two and hatch offspring furthering the issue.

Ohio is one of the places that has ticks brewing all over the place when you think of the farmland, the swamp and marshes, wildlife, and long grass that exist within the state. Anywhere you go in the state of Ohio could have a large tick presence and you must do the due diligence to keep yourself and your pets safe. Luckily for you, we have found some ways to help you stay tick free.

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First and foremost, you should have always been and always should be protecting yourself from ticks by using repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, or permethrin as they known to be highly effective to repelling ticks. Another thing that can help is clothing such as long sleeves, pants, hats, and closed toed shows can make spotting ticks easier.

One thing not mentioned is that ticks are similar to mosquitos in the sense that the color of your clothing can deter or attract them. To avoid a swarm of ticks heading your way you should wear darker colored clothes as this comes from an article written by the National Institutes of Health. This does present a problem as it is harder to see ticks are darker clothing, you'll just have to take a true look at your clothing to be safe.

Here are some plants that are also known to keep ticks away:

Plants That Ward off Fleas and Ticks

These plants help keep fleas, ticks, and other bugs out of your garden.

Gallery Credit: Emily Claire

Tips To Prevent Ticks

You do not want to mess with ticks. Keep them as far away from you as possible. Now, that doesn't mean don't ever go outside! That would be ridiculous. Here are some tips to help prevent you from getting bit by a tick and risking Lyme Disease. Follow these Tick Tips to keep you, your loved ones, and your fur babies safe this summer!

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman

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