Earlier this month, basketball standout Emoni Bates we arrested and charged with two felony weapons charges after a routine traffic stop and search near the campus of Eastern Michigan University. He was pulled over because he failed to stop at an intersection and the ensuing search is when the gun turned up.

Bates was charged with two felony gun charges, one for carrying a concealed weapon and the other for altering identification marks on a firearm. In turn, he was temporarily removed from the EMU basketball team and expelled from the university pending the results of the investigation. Bates was released a few days after entering a not-guilty plea and bail, as he awaited trial.

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Just last week Emoni Bates was reinstated to Eastern Michigan University and the Eagles basketball team as well after felony charges were dropped against him. This was after both charges were dropped against Bates.

At the time of the arrest, his defense attorney stated that this was Bates's first brush in with the law, neither the gun nor the vehicle was his, and that he poses no threat or risk to society.

Bates was released upon the HYTA agreement allowing for a plea to a lesser charge of attempting to transport a loaded firearm in a vehicle which is just a misdemeanor, with this agreement the year-long jail sentence is reduced to two years of probation, and court fees. The vehicle belonged to a Memphis, Tennesee-based business called BMGT LLC. There's no word on who the firearm belonged to, but it had the serial numbers scratched off.

Last week Bates returned to practice with the Eagles basketball team and issued a public statement on his social media asking for forgiveness, patience, and grace as he navigates through adolescence and continues to make mistakes as we all do.  The Judge ruled that his travel capacity as a member of the EMU basketball team doesn't need court approval as he awaits sentencing on December 14, 2022.

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