You learn something new every day.

After discovering some unusual and eclectic roadside oddities across Michigan, I've suddenly stumbled across state lines and I'm starting to wonder just what exactly is going on in Ohio!

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Visible from Google Earth and touted as "one of the two largest conical mounds in eastern North America", how much do you know about the Miamisburg Mound?

Miamisburg Mound, Ohio
Miamisburg Mound, Ohio - Google Maps

A suburb of Dayton the city of Miamisburg, Ohio is home to about 20,000 residents today but according to Ohio History was once home to a thriving Adena culture around 800 B.C. to A.D. 100 adding,

In much of Ohio and neighboring states, the Adena culture transformed into the Hopewell culture at around A.D. 400.

Why Were the Mounds Built?

Miamisburg Mound, Ohio
Google Earth

According to Ohio History there are an estimated 1,000 mounds today that remain across the United States but at one time there were as many as 10, 000,

Monuments like Miamisburg Mound served as cemeteries for several generations of ancient Ohioans. They also may have marked the boundaries of tribal territories.

Previous excavations of the mound suggest it was constructed in stages and may have had a stone exterior at one time.

Visiting the Mound

You'll certainly be treated to amazing views if you climb all 116 stairs to the top of the Miamisburg Mound as it sits atop a 100 foot high ridge near the Great Miami River.

The mound is located inside a 37-acre park that is open year-round to visitors during daylight hours. Find more info and history on the mound here.

11 Roadside Oddities You May Stumble Upon In Michigan

From "Front Lawn Lincoln" to the World's Largest Weathervane here are some of the weirdest things you may encounter during your travels across Pure Michigan.

Gallery Credit: Lauren Gordon

Built For His Daughter, Kroger Mansion Sits On 13 Acres In Ohio

Located in Cincinnati the 8 bedroom, 10 bathroom Kroger estate is listed for nearly $6 million.

Gallery Credit: Lauren Gordon

10 Deadly Intersections In Ohio

Gallery Credit: Jessica Poxson

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