For many reasons, Walmart is one of the most popular supermarkets in Michigan. It's a one-stop shop for food, clothing, household items, and more. Which also makes it a prime spot for thieves to steal an array of items. With some surprising items on the list being stolen from Michigan Walmart locations.

Walmart Posts Strong First Quarter Earnings
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Walmart Michigan Locations Prime Target For Theft

Shoplifting is a common problem for many retailers and even more so for stores like Walmart with self-checkout options. Though some more tech-enabled stores use cameras at kiosks, self-checkout makes shoplifting much easier, as much of the process is based on the honor system. According to recent reports, Walmart and other retail chains could be rethinking self-checkout lanes due to more shoplifting. Other measures that Walmart has taken to deter thieves include locking up items behind glass security doors. Retail theft has increased so much in recent years, leading many chain stores to close their doors permanently. And there is another major factor in the rise in grocery store thefts.

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Wal-Mart Posts 21 Percent Drop In Q4 Profit
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Rising Costs Of Goods Leads To More Retail Theft

According to the Consumer Price Index, the cost of goods has increased for food, clothing, utilities, transportation, and more. These price increases have sent some Michiganders into hard times. Higher costs of goods have been a factor in retailers seeing an increase in shoplifting. Check out the list of the ten most common items stolen from Michigan Walmart stores below.

The 10 Most Stolen Items at Walmart

According to "Aisle of Shame," these are the most common items stolen from Walmart stores.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

13 Items Michigan Goodwills Will Not Accepts As Donation

These items are generally not accepted by Michigan's Goodwill stores.

You should always check with your local Goodwill, as some items may differ from the list or special exceptions could be made in some categories. Click here to find your local Michigan Goodwill's website.

Gallery Credit: Jacob Harrison

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