I've never wanted to live in a bank. Truth be told, I've never even thought about living in a bank before... until now.

This Bank-Turned-Home in Traverse City just went on the market, and it still seems like it's getting the final touches. But looking at what they're already offering, this is easily my new goal in life - to live in a bank.

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Zillow/Great Lakes Realtors
Zillow/Great Lakes Realtors

This former bank was turned into a home with three bedrooms, and converted from a commercial property. What's even more fun about the upstairs (yes, there's multiple levels to this home), is you can guess what bedroom used to be the vault.

My guess is the Master Suite.

Upstairs, you've got a unique setup with the former front door of the bank going right into a foyer, dining area, and kitchen. Past that, you have a HUGE living area... that opens out into the drive-thru.

Zillow/Great Lakes Realtors
Zillow/Great Lakes Realtors

Yep, the original drive-thru is still there, minus the tube system, and ATMs, but it does create a cool drive-up area for maybe a party scenario.

Past the the living room, you have all three bedrooms, bathrooms, and a spiral staircase that leads to the area that REALLY makes this bank-turned-home really crazy.

First of all, who knew banks had basements to them? Not me. This one had a HUGE basement that has been opened up to what has the potential to be the greatest man cave ever.

For now, obviously, it's bare bones, but it does have a small "kitchenette" area, and it's own toilet and sink, which is nothing fancy. But if this is gonna be a man cave, it's gonna be perfect.

Zillow/Great Lakes Realtors
Zillow/Great Lakes Realtors

But the coup de gras of this potential man cave is the quiet exit, out the secret escape door. Yes, the main part of the basement is actually underneath the drive-thru upstairs, and on the opposite side of the drive-thru, away from the main part of the house, is an escape stairway and door.

So somehow, someone turned what would be the most boring type of building ever, into one of the coolest homes ever, all for just $795,000.

Buy This Bank-Turned-Home in Traverse City

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