The Internet Is ROASTING Detroit’s Kid Rock Tribute Band
The common misconception is that if you're from Michigan, especially on the east side of the state, that Kid Rock is one of these iconic figures that everybody thinks is badass and super cool. While many people believe this to be true, there are those of us who don't really line up with that mentality, which has led to absolute savagery from the internet.
Personally, I liked Kid Rock's first album, "Grit Sandwiches For Breakfast" when he was one of the two biggest rappers in Detroit in the early 90s. Then when Devil Without A Cause came out he was thrust into the spotlight during the Nu-Metal era when rap and metal were closely woven together. But one group is now learning that most of the internet thinks Kid Rock is trash and they've been roasting an advertisement for the Kid Rock tribute band ''Kid Kentucky':
Now when it comes to me personally, I feel Kid Rock finally found the group of people he could make the most money pandering to and I don't fall within that demographic. In fact, the last shred of respect I could have had for him diminished when he didn't show up to the El Club in Detroit to perform "Is That You?" with the Insane Clown Posse during their Carnival of Carnage show in 2017. No whoops remaining for the guy.
But for those of you who DO like Kid Rock, you know what they say, "If you can't laugh at yourself, who can ya really laugh at?" That being said, enjoy these GOLDEN comments: