There are so many different house designs out there that when you come across one that is very colorfully painted nothing may cross your mind but appreciation for how pretty the houses are.

If their front door just so happens to be painted an unnatural wood color like red, purple, green, or blue, you may feel that it’s just the occupant's creative touch to make the house pop. But there is one company that believes they know the origins of the purple door and what it could possibly mean if you come across an Ohio house's front door is purple as the First Security Mortgage explains, the color has somewhat spooky traits.
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Purple has mystical and magical connotations. It’s a shade associated with witches at Halloween, crystal balls, and the smoke coming from a spooky cauldron. Now that we know about the color’s expensive-snail inception, it’s safe to say no one was running around wearing a purple witch hat in colonial Salem, but in popular culture, it’s a shade still associated with witches.

So Wait...Are They Saying It's Evil?

They continue to explain what they believe is the Purple Door origin story:
A purple door can signify the occupant is a practitioner of magic, and it’s also the shade associated with the crown chakra, which is believed to link us to enlightenment and the divine.
So there you have it folks, First Security Mortgage, the leaders and resident geniuses on what different colored doors mean, say that anybody with a purple door most likely practices witchcraft. Here’s what I think color doors should represent.

Here's What Different Color Doors SHOULD Mean

First Security Mortgage, the leaders and resident geniuses on what different colored doors mean, say that anybody with a purple door most likely practices witchcraft. Here’s what I think color doors should represent.

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Gallery Credit: Canva Ai

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