If I were to tell you, there was a place in Michigan that offers "High Yoga," your answer to me would probably be... "duh." Of course, when you see "High" in this state, you immediately think about cannabis since we're a fully legal state.

But no, in this sense, "High" is in terms of elevation, and this park in Michigan almost certainly offers the "highest" yoga class in the entire state.

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Good health is a good thing, and lately, Yoga has come onto the scene as one of the best ways to keep your body nimble, stretched, and awake. It gets the blood flowing, it can strengthen your muscles, and improves your overall flexibility as well.

So classes are being offered all over the place, and in many different conditions. You can have them with goats and cats, or YES, there are cannabis-themed sessions, and some sessions held in rooms with excruciating heat.

But this Yoga Class is unlike any other, and if you have a fear of heights, you'll probably never come to this one.

Boyne Mountain offers a unique Yoga class... on its SkyBridge.

Dubbed "Yoga in the Sky," the class lines participants up and down their iconic Skybridge, where for up to two hours, you can participate in yoga classes, and your own meditation.

Oh, yeah, you're also 118 feet in the air, and on a 1,200-foot suspension bridge that rocks and rolls with every little movement. So one wrong move out of a Headstand Pose, and you could send dozens of other Yoga-ers plummeting below!

(No, for real though, they do have safety barriers to keep that from happening, but it's still REALLY scary).

But if you really wanna brave the heights, then you can book a session through the park's website now. All I can say is... good luck, and pray one of those yoga poses can help you fly.

Skybridge, Boyne Mountain

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