Kalamazoo Astronomical Society Invites the Public to Come See the Stars!
Have you ever looked up at the stars in amazement, only to wonder what the heck you're even looking at? The Kalamazoo Astronomical Society (KAS) can help! The group of celestial enthusiasts are once again inviting the public to come out and enjoy an evening of educational stargazing at the Kalamazoo Nature Center.
Of the event the KAS says,

observe the wonders of the universe...In the fading light of a summer evening, we watch the stars appear one by one. Before too long, twilight's window gives way to the starry curtain, signaling the beginning of a night of stargazing. The KAS invites you to a pleasant evening under nature's grandest spectacle - the universe itself.
Does that sound like an evening of enchantment or what?
Event Details:
The event is free and open to the public. Observation begins at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 17 and members of the KAS will be on site to host a constellation workshop and telescope clinic to help beginners learn how to properly set-up and use their telescopes.
At this time of the year highlights in the night sky will include planets Jupiter and Saturn, and end of summer star clusters.
I've never been to a public observation night here in Kalamazoo, but when I lived out in Springfield, MO I attended a similar event held by Missouri State University and I can't recommend this enough! Staff and students were on site to help you identify celestial objects; I literally saw the rings of Saturn with my own eyes!
Naturally, this free event is weather-permitting. If the skies are too cloudy or overcast the event will be cancelled. Be sure to check the KAS Facebook page on the day of the event for more details. Happy stargazing!
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