Kalamazoo State Theatre Joins Association to Lobby for Financial Support
One of the hardest-hit industries by the national CDC restrictions is live music venues. Unable to host gatherings indoors, many theatres have sought alternative ways to bring live entertainment to people via virtual means, but that is hardly cutting it. Bills have to be paid. Lights have to stay on. Employees have to put food on their tables. Since the restrictions were put in place in March, the government has worked to provide financial assistance to employers affected by COVID except for live theatres. The Michigan Independent Venue & Promoter Association plans to change that.
The Kalamazoo State Theater and the Intersection in Grand Rapids are just two of the many live music venues in Michigan to join the MIVPA and add their voices to the cause of lobbying to get $10,000,000 allocated to helping Michigan live music venues and promoters. Scott Hammontree, managing partner of The Intersection is also a founding member of the MIVPA. In a statement, Hammontree said, quote:
Our venues and fans have made
enough noise to get the attention of some legislators. We hope the new organization and lobbying efforts
help complete a bridge to the other side of this."
You - yes you - can help the MIVPA reach their goals by emailing your support through SaveMIStages.com. We all want to be able to support our local musicians and see gems like the Kalamazoo State Theatre host the biggest names in the business, and we will, once again, but we have to raise our voices now for the future of live entertainment.

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