Lakeview Hardware Making Adjustments
The local hardware store might just be the perfect example of how important small local businesses are to any community. Lakeview Hardware has been a "fixture" in our community since 1940. Not only can you get what you need for that around-the-house- job, but they also have experienced, common-sense experts to help you find exactly what you need. You can walk in with a problem, and actually brainstorm a solution. They're in the help business. Right now, Lakeview Hardware, and others like them, need our help.
Kerrie Redner and Craig Walters run Lakeview Hardware, and like everywhere else, it's NOT business as usual these days. "Since our employees consist of mostly retirees, we decided to close to prevent them from becoming ill. After coming up with a new plan of business, we have joined the fold of businesses that will offer curb side service and delivery."
A lot of use are spending more time at home, due to recent events. Some of use are spending nearly all our time at home. What a perfect time to fix that cabinet door, window in the garage, or that leak under the sink. And you can still depend on Lakeview Hardware to get it done.
Here's their announcement on their Lakeview Hardware Facebook Page:
To our valued customers,
We are now ready to roll out a plan that we feel with be the best solution during this unusual time. Starting Monday, March 23. We will be open Monday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. curb side service only. You may call ahead with your order or you can pull in front and we will come to your car. In keeping with the CDC recommendations in limiting the spread of the virus, no customers will be allowed in the store. You can place an order via phone call or through email. We are also providing free delivery for orders over $20 with in the Lakeview area. Outside of Lakeview may incur a small delivery fee. All delivery orders must be paid at the time of ordering. As you all know , things are changing hour to hour. This is our best plan to keep it “business as usual”. Remember we have a wide variety of household products, paint, lawn care, etc. If you need a window or screen repair, we happy to come to your house and pick them up and deliver back when fixed!
Everyone please, comply with the suggested social distancing, stay home, paint a room, clean out those closets, let’s get ready for spring!!
Stay healthy!
Kerrie & Craig
Phone: 269-962-7565
Email: Lakeviewhardware@gmail.com