Liberal Group Attempting To Stop Petition To Limit Governors Emergency Powers
You knew this was going to come I am just surprised it took them as long as it has. A group that supports everything Whitmer ever does wants to do or might consider doing has filed a lawsuit to stop the petition campaign to repeal the 1945 Emergency Powers of Governor Act.
The groups calls itself “Keep Michigan Safe”. The group's attorneys are Mark Brewer, former Michigan Democratic Party chairman, and Chris Trebilcock, who has previously worked with Whitmer's campaign. All I had to hear was Mark Brewer was involved with this and I know something shady is going on with this group and their cause.
A group called Unlock Michigan is attempting to repeal the Emergency Powers of Governor Act of 1945. The group believes that:
Governor Whitmer has misused this law to assume sweeping, permanent powers the legislature never intended a governor to have, in violation of the Separation of Powers doctrine. The governor would still have certain powers under the 1976 Emergency Management Act, but that law requires approval from the legislature every 28 days to extend a “state of emergency
The lawsuit has been filed against the Board of State Canvassers and Elections Director Jonathan Brater not the Unlock Michigan group. The Detroit News is reporting that the lawsuit states the summary petition language should mention that a repeal of 1945 law would immediately nullify emergency orders Whitmer has issued and would limit future governors' abilities to respond to a crisis. Right in the lawsuit, Brewer is up to his old tricks of not telling the truth. The repeal of the 1945 law would not limit future governors’ abilities to respond to a crisis because the Emergency Management Act of 1976 law is still in place. Under that law, the Governor has the same emergency powers as they do under the 1945 law for the first 28 days and would need to get approval from the House and Senate to extend those powers.
The lawsuit also states they believe the Board of State Canvassers “approved misleading petition language, didn't provide proper notice for its meeting and allowed Unlock Michigan to add "extraneous" information to its petition form”.
Interesting that they complain that the Board allowed “extraneous information to its petition form” but they also complain that there is no “extraneous” language such as “petition language should mention that a repeal of 1945 law would immediately nullify emergency orders Whitmer has issued and would limit future governors' abilities to respond to a crisis” added to the petition. Once again Brewer speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
I am not even a lawyer. And I could defeat this lawsuit.
Stay tuned and I will let you know where you can sign the Unlock Michigan petition form as well as keeping your eyes open when out shopping for petition gathers.
The question now is will Whitmer issue another Emergency Order that will not allow people to collect signatures for their petition?
Of course, she would do that only to save people’s lives as she did in our nursing homes.
Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained
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