Local Florist to Place Roses on 6,250 Fort Custer National Cemetery Graves
This Memorial Day, Plumeria Botanical Boutique is teaming up with Memorial Day Flowers Foundation to place roses on 6,250 graves at Fort Custer National Cemetery.
This Sunday, May 27, 2018, America will honor fallen soldiers and their families, with ceremonies at Fort Custer National Cemetery.
Memorial Day Flowers Foundation was established in 2012 to honor those who have served our country with the support of sponsors and local organizers. This year's event will include 30 National Cemeteries with an estimated 400,000 floral tributes across the nation. “Bring tissues,” said Ramiro Penaherrera, Memorial Day Flowers Foundation co-founder. “This will be a very emotional experience for many.”
2018 is the first year that Fort Custer National Cemetery and Plumeria will participate in the event. Event sponsors to date include DENSO Manufacturing, EATON, Old National Bank, Meijer, Spartan Nash, Bachman Hebble Funeral Services, and Griffin Grill & Pub. Plumeria plans to continue organizing this annual event with the eventual goal of raising enough money to place a rose on every one of the 30,000 interments at Fort Custer National Cemetery.
Fort Custer National Cemetery
15501 Dickman Road
Augusta, MI 49012
(269) 731-4164
Ceremony: May 27 at 2:00 p.m.
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