Men’s Safe Spaces for Their Toxic Masculinities
Do you self-identify as a male? And if so, do you have “toxic masculinity”? Maybe that is the wrong question, because apparently many women of a certain ideology believe if you are a male, you have “toxic masculinity”.
Ladies, do you know men in your life who have “toxic masculinity”?
Well ladies and you toxic males, your prayers - hope I did not offend anyone with that comment - have been answered. All you need to do is get yourself or your toxic male to Duke University in Durham, NC where the Duke Women’s Center will try and re-educate you.
Why Duke?
Well because as The Washington Times is reporting, Duke University is creating a “safe space” for males - I assume you must self-identify as a male. In this “safe space” you will have the ability to be told by the Duke Women’s Center how your toxic masculinity creates an unsafe environment on Duke’s campus and around the entire world.
Isn’t that nice of the ladies at the Duke’s Women Center. Or I guess I should be PC and say the biological masses that self-identify as women. Wait, can I say women or do I need to say females? Oh no, can I say females? How about feminine? No, that probably will get me in more trouble. How about effeminate? Oh that is probably worse; how about maternal or womanish? Yes, if I say womanish then I am not pegging anyone in to any negative connotations that come from being called a woman. Wait I am writing this? Ooooh noooo I was only supposed to be thinking this not writing it. Wait if I think these kind of things does that make me a toxic male?
The Men’s Project as the Duke Women’s Center calls it is their attempt to “create a space of brotherhood fellowship dedicated to interrogating male privilege and patriarchy as it exists in our lives, our campus and our society”.
The goal of the Men’s Project created by the Duke Women’s Center is to create an environment in which toxic males can “critique and analyze their own masculinity and toxic masculinities to then create healthier ones.”
The curriculum in the Men’s Project created by the Duke Women’s Center is about “questioning how you can be accountable to feminism, to the women in your life and to the larger community”. Well isn’t that nice that they are concerned how we toxic males can be “accountable to feminism”.
I wonder how the self-identified women would react if a Men’s Center were to create a program in which they told women how they could be accountable to male (ism)? Something is telling me they would not take that very well.
Ladies, how are the males in your life toxic to you? Men, how do you feel you are toxic to the women in your life?
Let’s talk about this today on The Live with Renk Show which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon. To let me know your thoughts during the show please call (269) 441-9595.